Peace Church Health Insurance (PCHIP)

PCHIP is a member owned employee medical benefits program currently comprised of 15 member organizations.  

It is designed by PCHIP members to provide an employee medical benefits program superior to their previous health insurance programs through the following:

  • Ownership and Control – true ownership of the financial structure of self-funding and control of the levers of healthcare which drives better outcomes.  Members own and govern the program to meet their needs and exercise their values.
  • Transparency and Accountability – this program provides actionable data to enable effective plan design strategies as well as transparency in services and expenses which leads to accountability.
  • Best Practices and Outcomes – the program aligns with national service leaders and risk management tools to drive outcomes which members would not be able to achieve on their own.  PCHIP members optimize the program’s value through active wellness and health risk management, shared learning through educational settings and board/committee participation.
  • Financial Structure – self-funded health plans and a member–owned captive insurance company provides an optimal financing mechanism to fuel and capture positive financial performance. The entire program is reinsured above the level members share together.

PCHIP is available to Peace Church organizations and other non-profit continuing care retirement centers and other social service organizations ready to participate in active health risk management and having 50 or more employees active in their current health insurance program.

For more information on PCHIP contact Eric Himes at (717) 293-7840 or email at