Peace Church Sponsored Captive: Subscribers & SAC meetings
Third edition – December 2022
PCSC Welcome
A meeting of the Subscribers and Subscribers Advisory Council was held the week of November 28, 2022. Representatives from each captive were present to take advantage of educational opportunities, collaborate on best practices and fellowship in the warmth of a late Arizona Fall. Some highlights from each program follow: |
The recently completed program year for PCHIP, which runs from October 1 to September 30, followed up last year’s solid performance with a record-setting year. The program achieved profit in both the aggregate and excess layers and experienced its best specific loss performance year in captive history. This best-ever performance is anticipated to result in PCHIP’s largest distribution to Subscribers during 2023. It will also allow PCHIP to create a task force looking for ways to leverage capital and expand program participation.
PCHIP also welcomed two new members to the program, both of whom are also members of Mennonite Health Services.

Peaceful Living in Harleysville, PA joined effective June 1, 2022. Peaceful Living has a calling to build belonging for unique individuals with special gifts to offer the world. Their mission to create belonging through Companionship, Holistic Care, Enthusiastic Encouragement and Community Membership empowers these valuable individuals to discover and realize their unique potential
Thurston Woods Village in Sturgis, MI will be joining effective January 1, 2023. Thurston Woods is already a participant in both PCRRG and PCWSP, taking full advantage of all mutual-aid programs available at the current time. Their guiding values which include Ministry, Accountability, Stewardship, Christian Compassion, Integrity, and a Commitment to Excellence set them among the leaders in the not-for-profit quality service.
Highlights of the recent renewal include an average increase of less than 4% for the 2022/2023 plan year which was below the prior plan years increase of just over 5%. The program continues to reap benefits from participation in surgical center direct contracting and specialty medication programs.
Jean Harpel and Vic Rose of ECRI, led an educational session focused on the state of aging services focusing on industry consolidations, operational challenges, and regulatory changes. An increase in the average cost of claims, shifts regarding the which services meet resident needs and an overall reduction in workforce highlighted some of the operational challenges faced by members. Members also reviewed benefits of employing a healthcare enterprise risk management approach. Eighteen members participated in a Falls Collaborative which took an evidence-based, action-oriented approach to implement data-driven quality improvement decisions. Activities included establishing and maintaining an active Falls Team, assessing the current falls program, and chartering of a performance improvement plan in at least one licensed setting. This allowed members to track, organize and analyze monthly falls rates which were monitored for at least six months and evaluated against the performance improvement plan. Three primary areas for improvement were identified: Communication and information flow Resident safety and incident response Leadership and accountability Lauren Crow from Caring Communities provided an overview of the “Claims Mitigation Playbook.” The Playbook provides communities with effective mitigation strategies and best practices from an adverse event through settlement. It includes techniques to reduce exposure with a focus on communication, investigation, and documentation after an event. It also prepares Members for litigation, regulatory investigation, and techniques for dealing with media inquiries. The Playbook will roll out to Members in 2023. The SAC authorized Resource Partners to enter Phase III of its work on acquisition of a new risk management information system (RMIS). The current system served the program very well for a long time but will be sunset within the next three years. An RFP was submitted, and responses are undergoing evaluation. This phase of the project is expected to run through April 2023. The new system will streamline operations, provide enhanced protection of member data, and create a more robust member-facing experience. |