Employee Mental Health Awareness
The impact of COVID-19 brought with it feelings of despair, loss and disruption along with a drastic change in what employees deem essential…their health and wellbeing! A recent study completed by The Hartford found that 70% of US employers recognize employee mental health is a significant workplace issue and is having a substantial financial impact on their company. But this same study found that the stigma associated with mental health often prevents employees from seeking the necessary help.
Some additional findings from the report included:
· 72% of employers said burnout is a significant issue;
· 52% of employers are experiencing severe issues due to substance abuse or addiction among employees;
· 27% of employees said they struggle with depression or anxiety at least a few days a week;
But the study also found that employer perceptions often differed from those of their employees. While 79% of employers believe that they have an open and inclusive environment, only 52% of workers agreed. And 80% of employers said their company culture has been more accepting of mental health challenges in the past year while only 59% of workers agree.
Stress is often a significant contributor to substance abuse or depression, and chronic stress increases the risk of developing depression. So while stress is part of everyday life and it’s impossible to remove it entirely, learning how to manage it is a skill we should all work to develop.
On Wednesday September 22, Resource Partners and IMA are hosting a webinar entitled “Stress Management, Mindfulness and Your Wellbeing.” This webinar will discuss the role of stress management for personal and career longevity, and teach specific resilience and mindfulness techniques. The webinar will be led by Robert Mines, Ph.D., Chairman and Chief Psychology Officer of Mines and Associates, a national business psychology firm. Dr. Mines is a licensed psychologist and he is a member of the American Psychological Association and the Employee Assistance Professional Association.
This webinar is open to Peace Church Health Insurance and Workers Safety Program groups and their employees. For those unable to attend or that would like to share the webinar with their teams at a later date, a recording will be made available a few days after the presentation. In the coming days, PCHIP and PCWSP participants should look for an e-mail containing a registration link for the webinar.
To find success in a post-pandemic workplace, businesses must create an atmosphere that makes current and potential new hires feel safe and more importantly, valued! Webinars like this are just one example of the many health and risk management resources available to Health and Worker Safety Captive members. If you have any questions about the webinar or would like additional information on how your community can become a member, please contact Eric Himes via eric@resourcepartnersonline.org.